Flemings' Whistleblowing service
We want to do what is right
At Flemings Hotels, we strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. You have a vital role in our success.
To submit an anonymous message, simply use our whistleblowing channel.
This channel is managed by a third-party, WhistleB.
What is the whistleblowing service?
Our whistleblowing service is an early warning system to reduce risks. It is an important tool to foster high ethical standards and maintaining employee and public confidence in us.
The whistleblowing service can be used to alert us about serious risks of wrongdoing affecting people, our organisation, society, or the environment. Your report can include information regarding criminal offences, irregularities and violations or other actions in breach of EU or national laws, within a work-related context.
You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be made in good faith.
Your message will be securely handled
The whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre, to ensure anonymity. The communication channel is encrypted and password-protected.
All messages will be processed in confidence.
How do I submit an anonymous message?
Your message is submitted easily and securely by following the instructions in this form. After having sent your message you will receive an ID and a password on the screen. Save these in a secure manner. You will remain anonymous throughout this dialogue.
You will receive a response or follow-up question.
Thank you for your contribution.
The channel can be reached on any device, including smart phones.
We recommend employees to access the channel from a device not connected to our intranet.
More information
If you want to know even more, please see:
- Check the FAQs
- How to send a message – check a short introduction film
- Whistleblowing guidelines
“WhistleB ensures the anonymity of the whistleblower. The service is separate from the organisation´s IT environment. WhistleB does not track IP addresses or other data that could identify a person sending a message. Messages are encrypted and can only be decrypted by designated individuals. WhistleB cannot decrypt and read messages.”
- WhistleB